Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"I Feel Good"

2 weeks ago was my surgery. And I am back at work. I was trying to remember 4 years ago where I was at 2 weeks after my last surgery. June 18, 2008. You never forget dates when you have cancer. I love when someone tries to argue with me about them. Trust me. I know when I got diagnosed, when I had surgery, when I started chemo, and when I ended chemo.

I can tell you I am much farther along physically this time. I was going through work emails to try and get some sort of timeline and found this to a client:

June 26, 2008

Well I have slept in a recliner for the past 7 nights. I am up and about but my problem is I have limited range of motion in my right arm. The bed is not very comfortable for me at this point. I also have a drain in my right side(I had 2 –they removed one on Monday). I find out the results of my lymph node biopsy today. This will essentially guide what sort of treatment, if any, I will need moving forward.

I feel better as each day goes. Nights are the worst for me though—they gave me pain meds for that though which help me sleep.

I am glad I can at least work from home—keeps me busy. It gets VERY VERY boring at home!!

And another to my bosses on the same day:

Got call from doctor. they found 2mm of cancer in one lymph node out of six. I will be having some sort of chemo. He said I probably would have had some sort of chemo anyways even if no cancer was found. The good news is the type of chemo doesnt change from having no cancer in lymph nodes to what I have which is 2mm. It would have been treated the same.

I will meet with Oncologist in Westlake. That wont be set up for a few weeks as I still have to heal from surgery. Dont know when chemo will start--dont know how long it will last. I will know that once I meet with him/her

That being said I will speak to doctor Monday about when he thinks I can go back to work. As I told you before all of this anyways--I felt it would be at least a 3-4 week recovery process. We will have to see where I am at 3-4 weeks and take it from there. I have been told I am doing surprsingly very well for not even being two weeks.

I will let you know Monday what my doctor says.

So I took off about a month in 2008 to recovery from mastectomy and go back to work in the office. This time? 2 weeks.

Can you say Rockstar?

That being said I am not pushing anything. I am starting to do more of the exercises tonight. The snow angel is the best one. You do not how good that feels(seriously). To get your range of motion back is a massive thing. My goal is to get back to the gym Monday starting with light walking around the track.

I am looking forward to the weekend. Brian and I are going to go out Saturday. I just want to grab some grub, some beers and maybe play some Keno. Nothing crazy. I just want to feel NORMAL. Sunday I am going to go out to my parents and see their new place since they are all settled in and unpacked.I will FINALLY be getting out of the house and enjoying this wonderful thing we have called: Life

Oh and 10 days until vacation......not that I am counting.



  1. You ARE a rockstar! We all have always known that! I am so glad you are doing so well and I am so happy your vacation is coming up soon. You DESERVE a break. LOVE YOU!!!

  2. So glad you're doing well! Keep it up lady :)

    Miss you!

    Lil T

  3. Ditto what Jodi ARE a rockstar. I am so happy you are doing well. Keep the positive attitude. I hope you have an awesome vacation, you definitely deserve it!
