Friday, August 10, 2012


No real specific reason for this blog title. I just love the song and it gets me in a great mood. And I love the Sundays.

Yesterday I began my fills for the reconstruction process. This basically consists of me getting filled with saline in my expander. For those rookies out there, Dr. Soltanian inserts a tissue expander after the mastectomy. This is filled with saline to stretch your tissue. You get "fills" weekly or every other week. Just depends on your schedule and how fast you want to go. When I got out of surgery, I had 300 cc's of saline put in. This was a hell of a lot more than the first time around. Yesterday I had about 40 cc's put in. About 2 hours later I was feeling it. I compare it to a brick on your chest. You get achy and its harder to breathe. But after a day or 2 it goes away and you dont really notice it.

To give you some idea of how many CC's you will need to be done, a C breast is about 450-500 cc's. Keep in mind though hes only going to expand me to match my other side. Once they are done with expanding me, then he will swap out the expander for an implant. The implant is either silicone or saline. I went with silicone last time. Much more natural feeling and no I am not worried about side effects. My doctor would not put something in me that would kill me. So simmer down........

The "swap" surgery is very easy. So much so I was grocery shopping the very next day. They go through your initial incision and you do not have nerves there any way. So its VERY simple. I can do this at any time so there is no rush. In my perfect world, I would like to have this done this year to get it under the calendar year for insurance. However, I have to wait until this genetic testing is done. Once I find the results of that, then I can figure everything out.

I have my genetic counseling meeting on September 11th. My mom and I will sit down and speak with the counselor. My understand is that she will ask you a zillion questions about your family history. This is why its vital my mom goes. She knows the history of her side of the family with breast cancer. My aunt passed away from it at a young age and I know my mom has some cousins who have died from it. Who they all are I am not entirely sure. Once they do that, they will submit to insurance. Then insurance tells them if its covered or not. I am hoping it is. Because genetic testing is THOUSANDS of dollars. And I wont be able to afford it otherwise.

Mentally, I am doing great. I really am. The chemo news just really lifted this massive stress off of me. I was even told by my one boss yesterday that I had a "glow about me". Right now I am just concentrating on getting back to normal. Back to the gym, back to work and back

I again want to thank everyone for all you did for me. Whether it was stopping by, bringing me food, sending cards, beer, cleaning my house, emails, flowers, cookies, fruit, gift cards, donations.......did I forget anything? :) You lifted my spirits completely. I mean what girl would not have a smile on their face when they get a box of beer?

I am off with the family this week for a much needed vacation. Thank you to Brian for taking care of the house and Sam & Bug.

Enjoy your weekend! And most of all.....have fun doing it!


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