Friday, August 24, 2012

"Good Times"

I feel very fortunate today. I woke up yesterday morning to something like 15 emails from Pay Pal. Shocked, I couldnt figure out why I was getting all of these at once. Then found out that one of the posters on The OBR, posted on the site about helping out with donations.

The donations kept coming throughout the day. It was amazing. I mean, these are people who don't even know me. We have all chatted about football online but 95% of these people I have never met. I know many of them have donated to me in the past for Race for the Cure.

Its amazing how gracious Browns fans are. When you really think about it, I am a nobody to these people. But they rallied together and helped me out. And I truly, truly appreciate it. And I also noticed a huge spike in views yesterday. 600 views this week from The OBR alone. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy.

So thank you to everyone who donated. You guys are amazing.

Its a busy weekend. Tonight Kim, Gilly, Joanna and I are grabbing some dinner/drinks then heading to the Browns game. My support group leader was gracious enough to give me free tickets. We are right behind the Eagles bench. I am HOPING Vick is walking around on the sideline so we can heckle him.

Sunday is the benefit, of course. Thank you to Sue Higham, Sue Klika, Kim Zemek, Beth Kuhn, Gina Lehmann, Jodi Rodriguez, Elise Bastian, & Lisa Zellmer. You girls are amazing friends. I dont even know how I can ever thank you enough for all of our hard work. I love you guys!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I will see some of you on Sunday!



1 comment:

  1. YOU are the amazing one. Your friendship,passion and loyalty is what draws us all to you. You are an example to every one of us. You have been there for me and for all of your friends in ways we could only hope to repay....all of us helping out is just a small way to show you our love and support right back. Can't wait to see you Sunday at the benefit. But, for today, have FUN at the game. Love you always!!! Here we go Brownies...Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
