Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Aint Nobody Got Time For That"

I dont care what anyone says. The above is the best video ever. Beyond Sweet Brown, I love the random guy walking in the background trying to get on camera. I could be in the shittiest mood and this makes me laugh everytime I see it.

So I am slowing down on the blog posts lately. I do not have too much to talk about on the cancer front right now until I go see the genetic counselor on the 11th. My mom will be going with me since she can shed better light on our family history with cancer. Today I will be seeing Dr. Soltanian to get another fill in my expander. After today, I should only need 2 more hopefully then I will be done. I can then schedule my swap surgery which they will take the expander out and an implant in. Another surgery. That will make 3 for the year. I am convinced that much anesthesia is probably doing a number on my brain cells.

So back to the video. I was thinking about many things over the past few days. Things that I just do not have the time anymore to deal with. After two bouts with cancer, you have a tendency to be less tolerant of bullshit. So I started making a list of 5 things that I no longer will tolerate:

1) Rudeness: People who RSVP to something and dont show up. No email, no text, no nothing. Rude. What is this all about? Your mama didn't raise you right.

2) Tardiness: I dont know why people think this is okay. God does it drive me batshit crazy. 1:00 means 1:00. Not 1:10.......not 1:15. Your time apparently doesnt mean shit to you. But time is a lot more valuable to me. When you could have had your life taken away from you, you learn to appreciate time. Have some respect.

3) Larry Dolan: Shame on you motherfuckers. Wow. And I thought Randy Lerner was the worst owner ever. Damn. When you cant acknowledge that your team was a complete failure and you plan on doing nothing about it, we are all in trouble.

4) Courtesy: When I hold a door open for you and you dont thank me, I will call you out. Seriously. Takes 1 second to say, "Thank you". Or when you let a driver over a lane and they dont do the courtesy wave? I always yell, "ASSHOLE" at them like they can hear me.

5) Facebook sludge: People on ranting every single GD post, status update, etc about politics is obnoxious. UNSUBSCRIBE is a great feature. I dont need your shit cluttering up my wall. We get it. You dont like Obama. We get it you dont Romney. I dont need to be reminded every 30 seconds. And same goes for the Jesus posts. You love Jesus? Great. But again, I dont need to be reminded of it every 5 seconds.

Heading to Salamanca, NY this weekend thanks to my buddy Steve who hooked me up with a free room at Seneca Allegany. Going to enjoy a nice dinner and good company.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone and be safe!!



  1. Jesus, Lord, a barbeque. Anit nobody got time for that. Amen. And also, this is Rhaea and not Avery. He has taken over all my accounts and I cant figure out how to get them back.

  2. Jesus Lord. OMG...that made me bust out laughing. Thank you for that. And, I agree with your intolerances. I hate most of that crap, too. Have fun this weekend, you definitely deserve it!

  3. Good read Barra, just curious as to when you were tolerant of these things? ;)
