Monday, July 30, 2012

"Cheeseburger in Paradise"

So you are probably wondering what the hell this blog is going to be about. I was trying to think of a song with food in the title and seeing that I love Jimmy Buffett and cheeseburgers, well there you have it

Last night, Elise, Kim, Beth, Sue K, Sue H, and Jodi all came over to discuss details about my benefit, August 26th. Honestly, it's kind of weird to have all of your friends talking about all of the details while you sit there and just listen. I feel like I need to be doing something. I have the best friends. Trying to do something like this is a task in itself. And all of these people have their own lives. So Its truly humbling to have them bust their asses for you.

One of the things we discussed is food. We have some donations. However, many of you reading this have asked what you could do to help. So here is one massive thing you can do if you are coming to the benefit:

We need finger food/appetizers.

If you would like to bring something, please make a comment on this blog with your name and what you plan on bringing. That way there is not multiple people bringing the same thing. Also, please make sure you put it in a disposable container so we dont have to worry about returning dishes to the rightful owner. Do not worry about quantity. Make what you feel comfortable with.

If you want to make something that is more of an entree, please put it in a 1/2 hotel pan. We will be able to keep these warm in chaffing dishes.

I thank you in advance!



  1. Hey B - I'll be bringing stuffed cabbage.

  2. I'll bring meatballs...I know you like my balls. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Ugh - my comments aren't going through - lets try one more time: ill bring cold taco dip and salsa roll ups :)

  5. Jen Meczka: Cocktail weenies

    Karen Burns: Broccoli Bites
