Saturday, July 7, 2012

Miss me?

I know , I know, I havent wrote a blog for a bit. I started to and I deleted it. Writing blogs while you are pissed off at the world is good but then you look back on it wonder if its worth publishing it. So I decided not to. Many people told me I should just go ahead and do it but I am not going to.

This is what I know from those words, YOU arent worth my time. YOU weren't there for me then and you aren't there for me now. So go on with your life. I deserve better. I will get better. And remember: I never forget.

And yes I know as you read that you are probably thinking, "Is she talking about ______?" That is for me to know and you to never find out. I don't have the time nor the energy to waste on people who dont give an apparent shit about me. So what I have decided to do is focus on the ones who do. The strangers who reached out to me in a time of need, the friends who honestly care and family who have told me, "You said you feel like you are alone....honey you are never alone."

I did recently get a nice email from an old friend. It was so great to hear from her. I miss her. I miss us. I hope she is reading this. I hope I see you once again.

The countdown to surgery is in less than 2 weeks. Started to get nervous. I dont have any clue who or when people can help me. I know my mom is going to help me a few days after but she will also have to work. I am more worried about my drains then anything. Not sure I can take care of them myself. I need to scrub this house down from top to bottom the weekend before because god only knows when I will be able to clean it again. Its just so much.......its overwhelming.

Sounds like the fundraiser is coming together. If ANYONE wants to help with gift baskets or knows of anyone that can donate items for one, PLEASE contact me. I will put you in touch with one of the girls heading this up. You can private message me on Facebook. Also, if you havent RSVP'd to the Event on Facebook, please do so we somewhat have an idea of how many people are coming.

Have a great weekend everyone! Stay cool and stay hydrated!


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