Wednesday, June 20, 2012

30 days and "F" Bombs

So 30 days from today will be the surgery. The way I look at it, this will be the last mastectomy I will ever have to get. Unless, of course, I am growing a third boob I am unaware of. And considering my luck lately, this would not surprise me.

I have received so many positive comments on my blog both directly on the blog and privately. I wanted to thank everyone for your words of encouragement. It really does help me out greatly.

As far as how I am doing, I think I am doing alot better mentally. Sure I have my moments. I have been told numerous times that I have such a positive attitude. I don't know what else to do? Maybe part of it is denial that this is happening again to me? Or maybe I just figure, earmuffs, what the fuck? I can't change anything about this situation.

This week I told my boss about what was going on(he was on vacation last week). As I posted on Facebook, literally his first words were, "FUCK!". Then he realized what he said and apologized. I explained no need to I apologize. I think I said that word 500 times since then. I went on to tell him my plans of taking 2 weeks off from work and ensured him my clients would be taken care of. I have great contacts, fortunately, most of whom were my contacts 4 years ago. So they are very understanding, and will work with me to make sure all deadlines are met. After our discussion, I went back to my desk. And then it hit me: DING......We have remote access to our desktops. I can work from home if need be. So I asked my boss, "Can I take a week vacation the first week since I will probably be out of it on pain meds. Then the second week, work from home." I would rather be productive then sit there in my house the second week doing absolutely nothing other than watching some shitty judge shows! He actually AGREED to it. This was a huge burden off of me. Why? Because you only get so many days off. I will need to see the doctor quite a bit the next months after surgery. Or who knows when you might get a cold/flu or hell just want a day off?? To have basically no time off left with 5 months to go? This was worrying me. Now.....I can breathe a little bit better.

I have some inquiries about helping out with doctor bills(which will be rolling in any minute from my first surgery a few weeks ago). A few friends have been kind enough to be working together to plan a small fundraiser for me. Tentatively, the date is Sunday, August 26th. Once I find out the details, I will be sure to post the info on here and Facebook.

Again thank you for all of your kind words, emails, texts, and cards. I am a very fortunate girl to have such wonderful friends in my life!


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