Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"The Thanksgiving Song"

I have alot to be thankful for this year. Obviously, sitting here and being able to type this blog is one of them. Never in a million years did I think that I would go through all of the same shit again 4 years later. But I did. I am not sure why it happened. I don't really ask that question anymore. My opinion there really aren't reasons why things happen to certain people. It just.........happens.

I really want to thank so many people in this blog but its impossible to do so without editing it 100 times to add people. So I want to thank my family first and foremost. My parents rule. Driving my ass downtown at the buttcrack of dawn, helping me out at home, my mom staying with me to make sure I was okay, etc. You don't realize how much you need your parents until something like that happens to you. I am fortunate that they are still on this planet. Some of my friends are not so lucky.

I want to thank all of my friends. Seriously--totally overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity after my surgery and even still to this day. I am so amazed. Even now when I open my mailbox and get a card that just says "I am thinking about you and I hope you are doing well". That is truly special. I feel like I have a mountain of people I can depend on. If I need something, I am not afraid to ask for it.

I get alot of people that say to me things like, "I think you are amazing", "You are an inspiration", etc. I don't feel that special. Honestly, at times I do not even know how I got through the past 4 years without being institutionalized. It was not pretty at times but I fought through it. I make no apologies for some of my reactions. Whether I was sad, happy, pissed...the words I said in this blog were true. I think too many times we all try to hide our emotions. Or we don't want others to see when we are weak. But I have been weak many times mentally. And that is okay.

I hope what I provided to all of you in this blog was a little insight of what I was going through not only physically but emotionally. Maybe I educated some of you about breast cancer. Hopefully I made some of you laugh. I think laughter is the best medicine in the world. There isn't a better drug that compares to a good, old fashioned belly laugh.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. And if you go shopping on Thanksgiving night, I hope you end up with food poisoning and you are in the middle of Walmart with the cha-chas, in a 3 mile checkout line, with nowhere to go. You deserve it.......


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