Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Pink Houses"

Well thank god that is over with. The election that is.

I am not going to waste alot of time on this topic. I know most of you reading this have had it with the ads, the mail, and the relentless ramblings on Facebook. I was pretty shocked at what some people wrote on their walls and some who wrote stuff that the public could see. It is pretty disgusting to sit and verbally attack our President. Acting like the world is going to come to an end is ridiculous and quite honestly, just pathetic. I did go out and vote. Although not exactly enthralled with either candidate, I did vote. That's the beauty of the United States....we have that ability to do so. So now Obama has 4 years to get this country on track. If he doesn't, the Democrats will be trouble for the next election, as they should be.

See I can play both sides when it comes to politics. Some of you don't look past the party name and THAT is the problem in this country. To me its not BLACK AND WHITE. I swear for some of you Charles Manson could be running for either party and you would vote for them because they are associated with your party. Its bizarre.

Ahhh so anyways on to more important topics like: Me. Kidding. I had support group last night and it was good to vent. I think everyone seemed a little shocked at all of the crap I am dealing with on my plate:

1) Genetic testing
2) Lupron hell
3) Surgery on the 16th

I definitely will be asking for something to help with the side effects. Quality of life is very important to me. Especially if I have to go through 3 years of this. It was nice to vent and have people LISTEN. Not judge me. Just listen. Then give me advice or suggestions as to how to get through all of this crap.

I am looking forward to this weekend. John and I are going do an overnight in downtown Cleveland. One of the things he won at my benefit was free night at the Double Tree downtown. So we are going to head over to the Horseshoe Casino for a bit and then check out the new Wink's downtown. Going to get some beers, dinner and watch some college football. I am really looking forward to it. It will be a nice get away from all of the crap before my surgery on the 16th.

Speaking of surgery, I need to be down there by 5:45 AM next Friday. Well I guess I will be up so wont be a problem getting up for it. I will be getting my expander removed and replaced with a silicone implant. I am expecting to be couch or bed ridden for 2 days. SO I am hoping its QUIET around my neighborhood as I will hopefully be sleeping as much as possible those 2 days. That means you Rick if you are reading this! No football party next Sunday please! :)

Anyways, lets all move on from the election and hope we can all get this country back on track. Stop battling each other.


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