Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Do Your Boobs Hang Low?"

My parents picked me up at 4:45 AM yesterday. I had been up since 2 AM. I dont know what it was about this surgery but I was really nervous. It was weird. I knew what to expect and I knew it was an easy surgery. However, my stomach was in knots

They took me back into the holding are about 6. Basically you get changed and wait around for the nurses, take a pregnancy test(Negative!) , and wait for the anesthesiologist. My surgery was scheduled at 7:15 and I was pretty much in there on the dot. Next thing I knew I was in the recovery room and the clock said 9:30. I stayed in recovery until about 10:30 and then was released about 10:45. All in all not too shabby. They gave me prescriptions for Cephalexin 3 times a day(that is just to kill any infection) and Oxycontin for pain. Glad to report no pain!

Honestly it doesnt even feel like I had surgery. It just feels like I did an intense workout with weights. I am more sore in my pectoral muscle. But other than that its been a total cakewalk. I expected that since last time I had this I had no issues. It is weird because others have complained that their swap hurt them. I dont know if I am fortunate or what but my doctor is two for two on getting the job done right!

I have a follow up with Dr. Soltanian on Tuesday so I will have to leave work early. Ugh. I hardly have any time left for the year so look like I am going to have to use a few hours. Not happy about it but as long as I get the week off of CHristmas thats all that matters to me at this point.

I am LOVING not doing a damn thing this weekend. I purposely DVR'd every show I watch during week and saved them all for this weekend. I also plan on watching a movie on Netflix, Ohio State and the Browns tomorrow. I also plan on sleeping ALOT.....speaking of sleeping. I took a Klonopin about an hour before bed last night and it did me wonders. I am sure being up since 2 AM helped too but I only woke up once all night and that was just to pee. I ended up waking up around 6 then went bck to sleep until 7:45. That was really great. I am very tired right now but I am sure that is because of the lack of sleep catching up with me but the surgery as well.

I took a look at my new boob and it looks great. A little swollen but I am happy with the results. He did a little nip and tuck on the side that I showed him where I had some extra skin from the mastectomy. Its skin that you can never just lose so it would have had to been removed surgically. All in all I am so happy its done and over with. I will deal with the tattooing of the aureola and the construction of the nipple in a few months. No rush there. He does that right in the office anyways so I can do that at any time.

I am looking forward to this coming week. Nice short week of work. Thanksgiving on Thursday with my sister in laws family, impromptu high school reunion Friday at Gunselmans, Thanksgiving with my family on Saturday and then Browns/Steelers on Sunday! I am so lucky to have all of this in my life and to be able to be on this planet to do it.

On a side note, I ended things with John. It just was not working out and I felt it was best for me at this point to move on. No hard feelings but I need to concentrate on me right now. Selfish? Maybe. However, I need to do what I have to do.

Thank you to everyone who sent texts and emails checking up on me!

Love you guys!

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