Thursday, November 15, 2012


Picked up my drugs at Target yesterday. Here is everything I will be taking including the Vitamin D they put me on and the Percocet they will give me for pain management after surgery:

As she rang me up, I waited for the total---$5.32. I probably did a double take but I wasn't going to ask any questions. Turns out the Effexor, for the hot flashes, was free. The Klonopin for the insomnia was $5. Winner winner chicken dinner! I wont be taking any of these drugs until after surgery, which is tomorrow.

My parents will be picking me up bright and early at 4:45 AM. I have to be down at UH at 5:45. I am a pro at all of this now sadly. I check in at Mather Pavilion. They then go through all of the insurance stuff then I am sent upstairs to the surgery waiting area where I check in for surgery. They give you a buzzer like you would get waiting for a table at a restaurant. When they are ready for you, they buzz you and they take you back. You get changed and then you are escorted to a bed. You sit there waiting. And waiting. 8 million doctors and nurses come by and ask you questions like:

"Are you allergic to anything?"
"Are you pregnant?"
"Do you smoke?"
"Any lose fillings?"
"Any bad reactions to anesthesia?"

See I told you I am a pro.

The doctor swings by, tells you what hes planning on doing, marks you up with a marker, and then you are set to go. Your family comes in and tells you they love you and then you are off to la la land. After I wake up, I will finally have my reconstruction 90% done. My expander will be swapped out with a silicone implant. It is a pretty easy surgery and I am hoping for not too much discomfort. I do not have many nerve endings there so I should not be too bad(fingers crossed).

Kim will be spending the night Friday as they want someone with you the first night anytime you go under anesthesia. She is going to bring some King Wah(NOM!) so we will chill out Friday night and catch up. Saturday & Sunday I will be living on my couch catching up with my DVR, watching football, eating snacks and SLEEPING. I plan on being back at work Monday morning.

All that being said, I am taking time for me at this time. As some of you know, I have decided to take a break from dating John. I just need to concentrate on me, my surgery, and the side effects from the Lupron. I don't think you can relate to this unless you have been through it. When you are miserable on the inside whether if its from not sleeping, moody, and/or sweating to death, you can not keep putting on this facade of being happy. It is not fair to me to have to do that. So I just need to focus on me and getting back on track. I do not know what will happen with us. I just know I am taking time to be selfish in all of this and I am okay with that. I am going to do what I want to do. I think too many of us, myself included, always worry about everyone else. Well guess what? Times are a changing my friend.

Looking forward to my new boobs. Although this cancer thing has sucked ass, at least I know my tits will never sag and will always be perky. BLONK.


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