Thursday, January 31, 2013


Remember when people thought the above video was too saucy for tv? Some of you reading this are probably too young. But people my age--you remember this right? Compare this to what is on tv now? Its hilarious.

Anyways, been pretty active since the new year. Of course we all indulge a little too much over the holidays. I know I did. Once the holidays were over, I felt like a beached whale. Too much crap consumed. With my surgery being in November, I did have an excuse. Although I was trying to walk 3-4 times a week, I was limited in what I could do on the weight machines. Last thing you want to do is rip something. So I did take it easy until I felt comfortable and had the doctors blessing.

I am feeling great minus the joint pain I am experiencing in my hips and my knees from the Lupron. To get up from my desk at work after sitting awhile, is awful. Hence, another reason I need to stay active. This week I will be at the gym SIX days! WOOT! I love it. I also love when I feel guilty if I dont go. My mantra right now is if I dont have anything going on after work then my ass will be at the gym. I am working out anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. I like to do 30 minutes of walking, followed by 200 crunches, then I back to walking, then some weights then back to walking. I will sometimes throw the bike in there too for 10 minutes, especially if the track gets too busy. And while I am on that subject.........

When the hell did kids and adults become so oblivious to their surroundings? If you were crossing the street, you would look both ways, correct? So why does the same thing not apply to a track at a gym? I cant tell you HOW many times some idiot just walks out right in front of you without looking. I will warn anybody who does this: I am a big girl. I will mow you down. Women, children, old people...Ok maybe not old people but children for sure. If you have no courtesy for me, I will have no courtesy for you.

Losing weight will be tough for me which sucks. Lupron is a bitch and one of the things it does is screw with your metabolism & make it hard for you to lose weight if not gain. But that will not be an excuse to go out and eat everything in sight. I am being more careful in what I am eating. That is not to say I am not going to go out have a few beers and enjoy some chicken wings. I can tell you that is NOT happening. I will be miserable if I eat basically nothing that I thoroughly enjoy. I am just doing so in moderation.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Have a fantastic weekend and keep warm


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