Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Pictures of You"

Its amazing how a phone call can change your mood in a heartbeat. Tonight, after playing phone tag all day, I spoke to the heading of billing at UH. She told me they recoded everything and the medical bill in question will be put through insurance. I felt this massive weight lifted. Although I knew I was right in that it was covered, you always hear these horror stories between people vs insurance companies vs hospitals. I am in no place financially to be able to hire a lawyer and fight something like this. I am so blessed that this was taken care of.

After I got off of the phone, I fired up my laptop to look up a picture I had uploaded from vacation last year. I wanted to get a print of it for my mom. As I was going through files, I came across pictures of when I was in Vegas 2 weeks before my surgery back in 2008. One particular picture is the one below:

I saw it and it made me cry. I remember this dinner fondly. A huge group of us went to Vegas and this was our last dinner right before we came home. And I remember thinking throughout this entire dinner, "I never want this to end. I do not want to go back home".

And when I got home everything fell apart. I came home to my cat of 9 years barely alive. I got off a plane from Vegas and 2 hours later I was euthanizing our cat. Turns out my ex father in law said that morning he came to feed her she was lethargic and not moving. We came to find out she was in kidney failure. I was in a marriage I knew was ending and I was facing a life without one boob, 4 months of chemo, and hell on earth. That picture sticks with me. I think that was the last time I smiled in 2008. It was a dark, dark place for me. It is a year I will never truly forget.

But then I look at the below picture. The one of me and my family in Isle of Palms, SC:

This picture was taken 3 weeks after my surgery in July of 2012. And look I was smiling again even though I went through something that was pretty much awful a second time. Why am I smiling? Why wouldnt I be? I am on this planet. I have great support from family & friends. And I have these two guys:

Very, very fortunate.