Friday, March 2, 2018

"One Day At A Time"

Today was weigh in day. Well every Friday is. I got on the dreaded scale and what did my eyes see? A 4.4 pound weight loss since last Friday. I am officially down 14.6 pounds since January 23rd! I have a long ways to go, however, I will very excited to see those results. So what did I do differently this week? The only thing I really changed was I went to the gym one extra day. Did it pay off? Maybe. However, the notion that I am going to get to the gym 6 days a week isn't very realistic.

I am not making excuses here but its just sometimes my schedule wont allow it. I WILL get to the gym no less than 4 days. I love that now my mentality is feeling guilty about taking one day off at the gym. You have to have that mentality or you will fall off of the wagon. It is so easy to do that: "Well I am tired and I just dont feel like it" or "I will skip today and go tomorrow". Look--30-40 minutes out of your entire day is, in the grand scheme of things, not a big deal. Granted I dont have kids so I do have the luxury of having that extra time. One of the activities I am super excited about is kickboxing classes. Lisa and I will be taking those starting March 15th at our local rec center every Thursday. It will be a nice change of pace from walking around a track.

One of the things I also wanted to share on this blog is some of the recipes I have come across and wanted to post the ones we have tried and really enjoyed. I also wanted to post products both good and bad so if you are out there looking for some options you have them. The first one we both really enjoyed is below:

Curry Asaparagus and Caulifower Rice

This was super easy and very low on points. I added grilled chicken to ours but it would be fantastic with shrimp as well. One thing I have found out is Pinterest should be your best friend if you are trying to lose weight. There are so many great options out there. Yes you will spend more money. Yes it will take more time but trust me in the long run it is way worth it.

I will post more and more of these recipes as I get them. Also, another way to follow my journey is via Instagram . You will have to request to follow me because I dont want any creepers looking at my stuff. You know who you are :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay warm!


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