Monday, December 3, 2012

"The Great Escape"

When I heard about the Kansas City Chief player, Jovan Belcher, killing himself and his girlfriend over the weekend, I was shocked. But then I heard about Eric Eucker, who worked for the Browns for 10 years, killing himself at the Browns training camp in Berea, and I was saddened. Eric was younger then me. Graduated from Olmsted Falls High School in 1989.

I started thinking how bad could it be that someone would do such a thing? And then I thought of the Pink song, "The Great Escape" which discusses having to help someone who is going through a rough time and making sure they don't harm themselves. I urge you to watch the above video and listen to the lyrics.

Life is never easy. We all have our issues and some hide them better than others. I was listening to a conversation about both young men at a bar yesterday. One struck me as interesting. They were discussing Jovan Belcher:

"Why would someone who has millions of dollars do that?"
"He played in the NFL how could he go and do that. He had EVERYTHING"

I am not sure why people think because he played in the NFL and was a millionaire he is not allowed to have any problems. Or mental issues. Or addiction issues. Do only poor people suffer from depression? We have this weird belief that those who are famous and/wealthy should be perfect. Having money does not mean you have sanity. It does not mean you have proper coping skills if there is an issue you have to deal with in your life.

I never knew Eric Eucker but I have friends who did know him. They said he was very nice. It is sad that he felt he had no other options. I think it is vital that each of us take the time from our busy days and reach our to our friends to see how they are doing. The holidays are very hard on many people for different reasons. Some have very bad memories of things that have happened to them around the holidays in their personal lives. So if you know of someone like this, just check in on them. Allow them to know that if they need anything they can count on you. Invite them to your house for the holidays if they are alone. Just reach out.

I dont know why I decided to write this blog. But sometimes I feel the need to talk about something other than cancer. It saddens me that someone felt they had no other way to get through life other than to end it. Both of these young men have families who now have to go through the holidays grieving. I dont wish that on anybody. I can not imagine what they are going through and I hope I never have to.


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