Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Happy Birthday"

Well not just yet but I am pretty close to the big ol' 39 on Monday. That's right JUST turning 39 while some of you jive turkeys are turning 40! I do feel old physically though. I have been just been through so much I feel like my bones have a lot of stories to tell.

I have a pretty busy "birfday" weekend planned. Friday, Brian, Kim and I are going out for dinner than drinks at Gunselmans. Its pretty much tradition that we go out for each others birthdays since we have all been hanging out. Even through my divorce, its been nice to keep this going.

Saturday I have to take the kitties to the vet. Was supposed to get them in there in July but as you may have noticed I was a little preoccupied. I also knew I couldnt take them in until I got strong enough to wrangle them into their carriers. Sam is pretty easy to catch. But hes strong as a horse when he doesnt want to put placed into a zippered up bag from hell(his words not mine). Bug just doesnt like to be held at all. Alot of people ask me why I never have pictures of her. Well she doesnt sit still unless shes sleeping. And she doesnt like you holding her. So for me to not only pick her up but place her in the carrier? Not a good time. Looks something like this:

Saturday night I will be going to my parents house for dinner. Birthday girl gets to pick out her meal so I picked lasagna and some delicious pie from Bakers Square with chocolate and bacon on it:

Ridiculous right? Riiiiiiiiiight.

Sunday Joanna and I are going to the Browns/Bills game. My brother coerced us into tailgating with them. Its not going to be warm and it might rain. I will have to dress accordingly and bring my beer coat. I have a good feeling about this game but I have no idea. I do know this: They should win for me since its my birfday.

Finally, Monday, my birfday and John is taking me to Fratello's for dinner. Who's John? Well maybe one day there will be a blog about him. Stop being so damn nosey...... ;)


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