Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kiss my ass Roger Goodell

So I am going to veer off course a bit and vent about this new NFL rule that the geniuses at the No Fun League(AKA NFL) have decided to come up with. NO PURSES.

This is of course supposed to keep us safer in all NFL stadiums in light of the Boston marathon bombing. I am not going to make light of that situation. We all know it was horrible. But to now tell women they have the option of shoving all of their shit into their pockets or in some shitty ass clear bag is ridiculous. Mind you the NFL sells these lovely novelties at their Pro Shop online for a mere $10. Aint it perrrrty?

Oh but wait it gets better. Based on the guidelines, if you DO bring a purse in, it can be no bigger than 4.5 inches by 6.5. Are you ready for this one? Below is a picture of my hand next to my Browns bag that I own. Now granted I have big hands, but this bag is deemed TOO LARGE to bring into the stadium(its 6 inches wide by 8 inches high!)

So picture it: your keys, ID, tampons, phone, & money all on display for everyone to see. Roger Goodell must not give two shits about the safety of his female fans. Where is one going to put this sweet, clear bag when they stand up to cheer their team on? Oh wait this is the Browns we are talking about. We get in trouble when we stand at games. And who are we kidding? There hasn't been anything to cheer about since 1985. But seriously, if I am at the game and I happen to get up to cheer with the bag left on my chair or on the ground, whos to say people arent eyeing my stuff? I always bring a purse to games that I can carry across my body. Nothing big--nothing huge. But I feel safer knowing my purse is attached to me. Mark my word, you are going to hear about many women getting their shit stolen because of this new rule.

Are we REALLY safer with not allowing women to bring purses in? The MLB doesnt do it(yet), the NBA doesnt do it(yet), you can go to Cedar Point with thousands and thousands of people with a purse, you can fly on an airplane with a purse after screening. What was wrong with having bags checked like we have for years and years to enter the stadium? Are your security people really that incompetent?

Does the NFL think they can completely just be blatantly sexist? Arent the people getting in trouble for this sort of behavior almost all men. Can someone name me the most recent female bomber in the United States? Thats not to say, by any means, it could never happen but how are you going to sit there and tell my purse is a far bigger threat then the drunken idiots you allow into your gates every Sunday? Or the NFL players that continue to get into trouble for domestic violence, drugs and even murder? Seems to me you may want to spend more time screening your players than worrying about little ol' me and my Coach purse. Am I REALLY going to believe that Jimmy Haslams wife is going to be carrying around a clear plastic purse inside First Energy Stadium? Bitch please.

Well I gotta go---I have to get back to the kitchen, do some laundry, and keep my mouth shut----right Roger?

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